: : Aldea digi.literal . .

Música, Arte, Literatura, Poesía, Ilustración digital...

Nombre: Luisina
Ubicación: Buenos Aires, Argentina


` E ]\|.C a n t O S ´ nº 56

RStpie Posted by Picasa

The Rolling Stones
: : This place is empty : :

Walk right in,
Sit on down and make yourself at home.
Come on baby,
You're just like I need,
and you hate to be alone.

It´s funny how things go around
It´s crazy but it's true...

This place is empty,
Oh! So empty...
It´s empty without you.

Come on,
bear your breath
and make me feel at home.
You and me, we're just like all the rest
And we don't wanna be alone.

It´s funny how things go around,
but go around, they do...

This place is empty,
so empty without you.


This place is empty,
so empty without you.

Oh yeah...Mm

Is empty without you...


Come on,
simmer down...
and treat me sweet and cold.
At least by now you,
you have learnt
how to plough a fool...

Is funny how things turn around...
It´s crazy, but it's true.

This place is empty,
so empty...
so empty without you.

This place is empty,
Oh! So empty...
so empty without you.


Blogger marojuarez said...

hay demasiadas canciones en este blog. faltan cosas personales.
visita un blog que hice yo con dos amigos de la facu: yosoygeorgeclooney.blogspot.com

11:43 p. m.  
Blogger Luisina said...

Justamente no soy partidaria de los blogs que redactan el día a día de una persona. No los encuentro interesantes ni productivos. Este blog plasma cosas personales mías, solo que lo transmito mediante el arte; sea literatura, música, poesía, cine u obras de arte plástico. Saludos.


PD: Gracias por el link a tu blog, lo visitaré por estos días....

1:21 p. m.  

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