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When it rains it pours and opens doors
And floods the floors we thought
would always keep us safe and dry
And in the midst of sailing ships
we sink our lips into the ones we love
That have to say goodbye
And as I float along this ocean
I can feel you like a notion
that won't seem to let me go
´Cause when I look to the sky
something tells me you're here with me
And you make everything alright
And when I feel like I'm lost
something tells me you're here with me
And I can always find my way when you are here
And every word I didn't say that caught up in some busy day
And every dance on the kitchen floor we didn't have before
And every sunset that we'll miss
I'll wrap them all up in a kiss
And pick you up in all of this when I sail away...
And as I float along this ocean
I can feel you like a notion that I hope will never leave
Whether I am up or down or in or out or just plane overhead
Instead it just feels like it is impossible to fly
But with you I can spread my wings
to see me over everything that life may send me
When I am hoping it won't pass me by
And when I feel like there is no one
that will ever know me
there you are to show me
´Cause when I look to the sky
something tells me you're here with me
And you make everything alright
And when I feel like I'm lost
something tells me you're here with me
And I can always find my way when you are here.
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Train, "When I look to the sky".
Hola Luisina: Llegué a tu blog y realmente me gustó mucho. Mi nombre es Lionel Biondelli, y una cita mía figura en un post tuyo ("Físicamente existe un solo mundo; pero psíquicamente hay uno por cada ser) y realmente te agradezco por haberla elegido y colocarla entre tantos pensadores que admiro y son de primera calidad. Soy un estudiante de Medicina, vivo en Neuquén, Patagonia, Argentina. Y desde los 10 años que el arte está en mi alma. Soy músico, profesor de música y en la zona de el Alto Valle (comprendido entre Neuquén y Río Negro) se me conoce bajo el nombre de Dr. Lio donde gracias a la música y mi saxofón tuve la grata oportunidad de conocer cada rincón de la hermosa Patagonia y gran parte del país. Simplemente quería presentarme ante vos, que me conozcas un poquito más. Ah! cómo pasar por alto un detalle? Soy un fanático de Los Beatles, y en tu blog están muy presentes. Te felicitio. Mi mail es doctorlio@hotmail.com
Te mando mis más sinceros saludos.
Dr. Lio
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