: : Aldea digi.literal . .

Música, Arte, Literatura, Poesía, Ilustración digital...

Nombre: Luisina
Ubicación: Buenos Aires, Argentina


` E ]\|.C a n t O S ´ nº 30

rsb Posted by Picasa

: : Silver blue : :

I got to get a message through,
I don't know where we're going.
I wrap my arms around your naked shoulders,
take cover for the night.

I see you in the morning rain,
Oh! step inside and lay beside me.
Tender can you close my eyes and blind me?
Oh! give me just a smile...

Before I fade to silver,
Silver Blue for you.
Before I fade to silver,
Silver Blue for you...

I've turned into the broken one
who lost the inspiration.
I want to give you all my love
like water to a blood red rose.

The passion, I can't deal with her.
The pain, well I can do without him.

And this is like the milky way,
an ocean that only grows and grows.

And babe I fade to silver,
Silver Blue for you.
I turn and fade to silver,
Silver Blue for you...

I wrap my arms around your naked shoulders,
take cover for the night.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Corporate Blogging On the Nigh
Well, that's cause many people got into blogging for the wrong reasons. They got in cause it was hot PR wise.
Great job with this blog - cool work! Check out my site on Sciatica Here is info on helping Sciatica

9:07 p. m.  

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